
  • The ROI of Innovation in Talent Acquisition

    Max Mustermann

    Nicole Hammond

    Hiring Success Director
    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann


    In an era where organizations with the best talent outperform those inept at hiring by 3.5x, business success and hiring success are inexorably tied, and failure to innovate will translate to massive damages. In order to realize the potential ROI of hiring, businesses need to embrace digital transformation of their talent acquisition function.

    Nicole Hammond, Director of Hiring Success at SmartRecruiters, delivers this keynote on aligning digital transformation and Hiring Success to deliver business outcomes and measurable ROI.

  • Talent Acquisition’s Digital Transformation: Building the Roadmap and Navigating the Tech Landscape

    Max Mustermann

    Annie Hammer

    Head of Technology & Operations Consulting, Americas
    Alexander Mann Solutions
    Max Mustermann

    Madeline Laurano

    Analyst and Author
    Aptitude Research Partners
    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann


    In a highly competitive business environment, digital transformation helps organizations tackle traditional problems with more innovative and effective solutions. And while many areas of the business have been successful at implementing a digital transformation strategy, the need in talent acquisition has never been greater.

    In this session, Annie Hammer, Head of Technology & Operations Consulting, Americas at Alexander Mann Solutions and Madeline Laurano, analyst and author of Aptitude Research will be sharing their recent thought leadership report focused on helping companies build a roadmap and a time frame for their digital transformation and navigate a complex technology landscape.

  • Talent and Digitization Trends - and their Concrete Impact on the Transformation of the Talent Acquisition Strategy

    Max Mustermann

    Luzia Fink

    Mercer | Promerit
    Max Mustermann

    Michael Eger

    Partner and Head of Recruiting
    Mercer | Promerit
    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann


    There are currently many new topics and trends around the transformation of business models and the effects on talent and competence needs. The talent acquisition organization is changing accordingly, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

    Luzia Fink and Michael Eger present excerpts from global studies and show concrete examples and case studies of how companies react to the new developments. They show a range from small ideas to complex solutions and strategies, clear up myths and report with a twinkle in their eye what they experience as consultants to customers and in their own organization.

  • What Does Future-proofed Recruiting Tech Stack Look Like?

    Max Mustermann

    Michael Johnson

    VP Sales NAMER
    Max Mustermann

    Robert Symons

    VP Sales UK
    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann


    In order to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving talent market, global TA leaders need to drive the digital transformation, rather than being driven by it. In this session, learn how technology becomes the enabler of digital transformation from first touch to onboarding and beyond.

  • Harnessing Digital Transformation to Empower Your Talent

    Max Mustermann

    Ben Bromberg

    Vice President, Client Success
    Max Mustermann

    Jacob Kramer

    Associate Vice President, Talent and People Solutions
    Regis Corporation
    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann


    Digital transformation introduces new possibilities and new challenges. We’ll discuss the important role that both technology and people play in the future of recruiting and address the question: How do we maximize the productivity of machines and the talents of recruiters to best serve an organization and its people?

    Discover how you can harness the power of automation and AI to empower your talent teams to drive meaningful results that have lasting benefits for your organization.

  • How to Take Control: Outsource to In-House Recruiting

    Max Mustermann

    Mo Karim

    Head of EMEA People Transformation
    Colliers International
    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann


    Every case for change starts with sound board support. This session is for those who want to secure the investment and deliver TA transformation. Mo Karim will share his own story through a Q&A and give you tools to successfully transform TA.

  • Are Purple Unicorn Hires Repeatable?

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann

    Max Mustermann


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